Many homeowners are considering making the switch from urban to rural living. There are tons of amazing benefits that are enticing people to make this move, and we want to shed some light on what you should expect when moving to the country so you can be prepared for your new lifestyle. Some of the reasons people are moving out of the city are to reduce their mortgage, increase their property size, enjoy a slower pace of life, and escape the nuisances of the city such as traffic, noise, or pollution.
While all of these changes are wonderful, there are also a lot of differences when it comes to ongoing rural property maintenance. Rural homeowners have an increased need to be a DIYer. Learning about the systems your property relies on will ensure your new life is as enjoyable as possible.
That’s why we’re always happy to educate you on any questions you have. Below you’ll find some of the most important elements of your rural home, with links to products and resources to help you get started.

Tools and Equipment
Generally speaking, with more land comes more landscaping. With that in mind, most people moving to the country will need to pick up some basic tools and equipment. Hand tools, such as wheelbarrows, rakes, and shovels can be found in store or in the Backyard Essentials section of our website. You may also have a need for things like a riding mower, snow plow, or even tractors, all of which are fun ways to spend more time outside enjoying the beauty of your area.
Septic Systems
We’ve been working hard to create easy to read guides that cover everything you may need to know when shopping for or maintaining a concrete or poly septic tank. You can find information on the product pages, or more in-depth answers in the educational blogs below.
Poly Septic Tank Frequently Asked Questions
Concrete Septic Tank Frequently Asked Questions
Considerations & Advice When Shopping For Poly Septic Tanks
How to Calculate the Right Size Septic Tank!
The Benefits of Septic Tank Risers

Cisterns and Wells
There are a range of cisterns available for rural homeowners. Knowing which type of cistern you have, or if you’re on well water, will impact the type of maintenance required. You can review all of the cistern options here to explore the basics. Each tank has detailed product and maintenance information, and we also have some great educational resources to help you better understand your system.
Poly Cistern Tank Frequently Asked Questions
Concrete Cistern Tank Frequently Asked Questions
Understanding the Basics About Poly Cisterns
Monitoring Your Cistern Water Level
Pumps & Plumbing
One of the surprises with country living is how many pumps you’re going to be dealing with. There are pumps for your basement, pumps for your water, and pumps for your sewage, all of which are built to accomplish something different, but all equally as important. The good news is not only do we have expert staff on hand to answer questions and work through challenges, but we’ve also got a detailed breakdown of how each one fits into your home’s daily process.
Find the Perfect Pump for Your Project
Pumps and Plumbing
George Harrison: 40 Years in the Plumbing Industry
Gravel Driveway Maintenance
Rural homes are more likely to have gravel driveways, rather than the paved driveways you expect in urban and suburban areas. Creating, repairing, or maintaining your gravel driveway is simple enough, but there are some elements to consider to help keep yours in the best condition possible. Here’s What You Need to Know When Planning a Gravel Driveway.
Bulk Aggregates

Lastly, when it comes to soil, mulch, and stone, you’re going to need a lot more of it than you may be used to. Whether you’re working on your lawn, expanding your garden, or doing larger landscaping projects. You can find everything you need in our Landscape Materials section.
One of the greatest parts of rural living is being a part of the community. Even though there may be a learning curve during your transition to the country, you’ll find yourself surrounded by neighbors who are willing and eager to help. Our team at Ontario Agra is here to be one of your neighbors. We live in the country, we work in the country, and whatever questions you have, chances are we’ve been through it first hand. Our team is always available via phone at (905) 386-1744 or email at to help with your research and make customized recommendations.