Geosynthetic technology is constantly improving. As a leader in the geosynthetic supply industry, we do our best to keep up to date with best available options for construction projects. Below you’ll find a simple breakdown of our most popular geosynthetic solutions, and their common applications. We hope that this guide can help you make a more educated decision on your next project. Whether it be residential landscaping, farm management, or large-scale construction, we’ve got the knowledge and products to help.
Non-Woven Geotextile

A needle-punched fabric with a range of construction and landscaping applications. Making it the most popular geosynthetic we work with.
Designed to let water through while retaining soil particles. Available in a range of thicknesses for applicable projects. Thin products can be used for basic construction, while thicker, heavy duty products are needed in jobs like river banks. Non-woven geotextiles help to prevent aggregates from mixing together, while also reducing the loss of granular material and improving compaction.
Non-woven geotextiles are a great choice for filtration, separation, erosion control, and subgrade stabilization.

The product of choice for jobs requiring lining and protection. Geomembranes are commonly used to contain water when building ponds or reservoirs. Geotextile can be used both under and over the geomembrane to protect it from damage and punctures.
Erosion & Sediment Control

Erosion & Sediment Control includes a huge range of products designed to protect an exposed soil surface while preventing or reducing the release of sediment to environmentally sensitive areas. They’re also designed to accelerate re-vegetation. Silt Fence, Turbidity curtains, and erosion control blankets are common erosion and sediment control products.
Silt Fence is a temporary sediment control device made of geotextile stretched between a series of wooden stakes. Ideal for along perimeters of construction sites, below the down slope of exposed and erodible slopes, or along streams and channels.
Turbidity Curtains are a geosynthetic barrier made with high strength geotextile or vinyl fabric, equipped with a heavy-duty float and ballast weight chain system that suspends the curtain in the water. It works as a shield to protect aquatic ecosystems by stopping solid particles from going into aquatic environments. Used for waterways near construction sites.
Erosion Control Blankets are made of various degradable materials, such as straw and coconut which are mechanically stitch-bonded to a polypropylene or biodegradable netting structure. Used to stabilize banks, establish vegetation, and control erosion along banks, hills, rivers and streams.
Combine multiple geosynthetic products into a single unit. Below you’ll find some common examples of geocomposites using the products listed above.
Combine woven and non-woven geotextiles for road construction. By using the woven side on top for additional structure, and the non-woven geotextile on the bottom for filtration. As a result, this geocomposite will reduce the water in the road and minimize deformation when freezing. Leading to an increased lifespan of the road.
Combine geogrid and geotextile for applications requiring increased strength along with filtration and separation such as a rural roadway or areas with a high water level. Geotextile goes on the bottom, with geogrid on top of it.
For concrete structures such as around catch basins and manholes you can use a non-woven geotextile and geomembrane geocomposite. The non-woven geotextile goes against the concrete for added grip, while the membrane exterior prevents water from freezing and thawing against the concrete.
We hope this simple breakdown of our most popular geosynthetic solutions and their common applications has helped guide you for your upcoming projects. Whether it be residential landscaping, farm management, or large-scale construction, we’ve got the knowledge and products to help. If you have questions, our team is always available via phone at (905) 386-1744 or email at to help with your research and make customized recommendations.